School-based health care providers' satisfaction with online continuing education on obesity guidelines
Bonnie Gance-Cleveland, PhD1, Jinnette Senecal, MEd1, Danielle Dandreaux, PhD1, Keri Bolton Oetzel, PhD, MPH2, Gabriel Shaibi, PhD1, Lynn Gilbert, RN, PhD, PNP-C3, Lisa Militello, MSN, PNP1, Carol Stevens, PhD, RN1 and Diane Skiba, PhD, FAAN4
(1)Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, (2)University of Waikato, Raglan 3225, AZ, (3)University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, (4)University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO
(1)Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, (2)University of Waikato, Raglan 3225, AZ, (3)University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, (4)University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO