Male Reproductive Health Project: The impact of clinic and staff interventions on male client volume and STI testing
David Fine, PhD1, Elizabeth Rink, PhD2, David Johnson, MPH3, Sarah Goldenkranz, MPH4, Alfonso Carlon5 and April Aravelo1
(1)Cardea Services, Seattle, WA, (2)Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, (3)Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Regional Health Operations, Washington, DC, DC, (4)Cardea, Seattle, WA, (5)Cardea Center for Health and Human Services, Austin, TX
(1)Cardea Services, Seattle, WA, (2)Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, (3)Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Regional Health Operations, Washington, DC, DC, (4)Cardea, Seattle, WA, (5)Cardea Center for Health and Human Services, Austin, TX