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![]() 260790 Taking a youth development approach to school-based tobacco prevention: Results from focus groups with youth, parents and educatorsTuesday, October 30, 2012
Schools have provided a key venue for tobacco-focused prevention and intervention programs, yet these efforts have yielded mixed results. The primary objective of this qualitative study was to identify a set of topics and strategies for delivery of anti-tobacco messages that can be addressed and implemented in a new school-based tobacco prevention program. We conducted 8 focus groups with middle and high school students (N=69, 46.4% female, Xage = 14.09, SD=2.07, mixed race/ethnicity); 7 groups with middle and high school parents (N=53, 83% female, mixed race/ethnicity); and 3 focus groups with school officials (N=30, 73.3% female, 79% Latino, 13% African-American). Analyses showed that schools did not need another large, comprehensive, research-validated school-based tobacco curriculum. Instead, participants wanted: modules that can supplement current school-based tobacco education curricula, including how to create and implement youth development programming; information that is more relevant to students' desires and learning styles; information on addiction; and materials for parents on school-based tobacco policies, tobacco education efforts occurring in the schools, and best practices for speaking to their children about tobacco. The identified topics and delivery strategies learned from this study are being used to develop a toolkit with a set of modules that will supplement current school-based education. We will discuss these modules, providing information on youth development strategies, delivery of addiction messages, and materials for parents aimed at providing information about school tobacco policies, school tobacco control efforts, and messages that parents can use to reinforce and append current school messages.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health educationEpidemiology Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs Program planning Public health or related education Learning Objectives: Keywords: Tobacco Control, School-Based Programs
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a developmental psychologist who has spent over 15 years understanding factors involved in adolescent and young adult risk-taking behaviors, including tobacco use. In particular, I have examined adolescents’ behavior-related perceptions and attitudes, decision-making processes, and social factors such as the role of parents and peers on risk behaviors. I bring a unique perspective to factors involved in adolescent risky behaviors, as well as interventions aimed at reducing risk. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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