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![]() 264604 ASSESSMENT of Determinants of Healthy Ageing Amongst the RURAL Elderly IN NORTHEASTERN NigeriaSunday, October 28, 2012
Ageing is an inevitable, natural process that comes with its concomitant health problems which need to be addressed because healthy ageing is necessary for economic and national growth and development. Healthy ageing is a lifelong process optimizing opportunities for improving and preserving health and physical, social and mental wellness, independence, quality of life and enhancing successful life-course transition. In sub Saharan African, it is estimated that the number of elderly persons will rise from about 37.1 million in 2005 to 155.4 million in 2050.The elderly population in Nigeria is estimated at 4 percent and is expected to triple by the year 2020.The increasing number of the older population will increase the burden on the health resources. The objective of this study is to evaluate the determinants of healthy ageing among rural elderly in northern Nigeria in order to promote those that have positive correlation with healthy aging. A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted among 1600 rural elderly aged >60 yrs using interviewer administered semi-structured questionnaire between June to July, 2011. Majority 53.8% are 60-64yrs, 24.6% > 69yrs, 72.4% males, most are Muslims 85.6%, 81.4% still married. Mostly farmers 48.9%, 73.6% have no formal education. 85.3% earn less than $100 monthly while 47.6% have no income. 93.4% do not take alcohol, 91.8% do not smoke and 89.8% are physically active. 82.7% have normal blood pressure, 87.9% normal blood glucose level. Diet, no alcohol consumption, no smoking, high physical activity and adequate sleep are positively correlated with healthy aging (p<0.05).
Learning Areas:
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programsAssessment of individual and community needs for health education Epidemiology Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs Public health administration or related administration Public health or related public policy Learning Objectives: Keywords: Assessments, Health Promotion
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the principal or co-principal of multiple internationally funded grants focussing on environmental epidemiology,community based medical research, noncommunicable and communicable disease research, HIV prevention including PMTCT. I am particularly interested in Primary health care as it affects the grassroots and bridging health inequalities at that level.I have been a mentor to many health professionals and endeared them to public health. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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