Systems change across sectors to better meet the needs of juvenile reentry youth
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
: 3:30 PM - 3:50 PM
Sonia Jain, DrPH
Health and Human Development Program, WestEd, Oakland, CA
Priya Jaganathan
Department of Human Services, City of Oakland, Oakland, CA
Sara Bedford
Department of Human Services, City of Oakland, Oakland, CA
Yvette Leung, MPH, RD
Children and Youth Initiatives, Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, San Leandro, CA
Juvenile reentry systems nationally provide important services and supports for high-risk youth as they transition from residential placement or detention facilities back into their community and school settings, providing an opportunity for violence prevention, positive youth development, and a reduction in risky behaviors that lead to recidivism. Limited literature has emphasized that inter-agency collaboration, individualized case planning, and use of evidence-based best practices are important tenets of a successful juvenile reentry system. By utilizing these core practices, the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center, health and human services and schools are working to improve outcomes for reentry youth in Oakland. Advancing current knowledge to better understand what works and how to build an effective reentry system of care, we have been engaged in a process evaluation in collaboration with City of Oakland, Alameda County Probation Department and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, to identify system-level gaps and strengths from the perspective of all stakeholders across the system of care from intake to exit. We conducted focus groups, key informant interviews and a reentry system of care assessment/survey of probation officers, case managers, CBOs, school officials, medical and mental health providers. Initial findings suggest that specialized courts, increased involvement of probation officers, and case conferencing have served to improve the system overall, but further system-wide coordination, data-driven decision making, comprehensive youth-driven services, and individualized case planning is necessary. We will share with you lessons learned, tools, and processes/protocols Oakland is using to ensure successful and safe juvenile reentry.
Learning Areas:
Other professions or practice related to public health
Systems thinking models (conceptual and theoretical models), applications related to public health
Learning Objectives: Assess gaps and strengths of the current juvenile reentry system
Discuss what works to promote inter-agency collaboration across mental health, health care, schools and juvenile justice to better meet the needs of reentry youth
Identify types of data collected as part of reentry system of care assessment, and use of data for systems change
Keywords: Data Collection, Prevention
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have published and presented on resilience and protective factors as they relate to youth development and violence prevention, in addition to working as a research analyst of juvenile justice and restorative justice initiatives. My research interests include the use of policy and systems change as a means of promoting health equity among underserved populations.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines,
and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed
in my presentation.