Engaging diverse community partners to fight childhood obesity: Policy and practice successes of a city-wide consortium (CLOCC)
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
: 10:50 AM - 11:10 AM
Maria Boyle, MS, RD
Samuels & Associates, Oakland, CA
Mariah Lafleur, MPH
Samuels & Associates, Oakland, CA
Sarah Samuels, DrPH
Samuels & Associates, Oakland, CA
Adam B. Becker, PhD, MPH
Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children, Childrens Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
Maryann Mason, PhD
Pediatrics/CMRC, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Sarah Welch, MPH
Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children, Chicago, IL
INTRODUCTION The Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC) engages over 3,000 partners to address the obesity epidemic in Chicago. CLOCC brings health professionals, educators, community and faith leaders, government officials, service providers, policy makers, and corporate partners together, to collaborate on child obesity prevention activities, policy development and environmental level changes that make healthy eating and physical activity more accessible. In 2010, an evaluation of CLOCC's progress towards these goals was conducted. METHODS An online survey (n=363), in-depth interviews (n=35), and focus group was conducted to gather partner perspectives on CLOCC's effectiveness in building networks and strengthening communications among partner organizations; their influence on the quality of child obesity programs; and efforts to support policy and environmental-level change for healthy lifestyles. FINDINGS Consortium partners (71%) reported that their work was enhanced through CLOCC's collaborative efforts and that their capacity to address child obesity was strengthened (67%). CLOCC has influenced obesity prevention-related policies, through the establishment of a taskforce that includes 14 local government departments to support citywide health promotion policies and resolutions, including healthy park vending policies and strengthened nutrition requirements in childcare settings. DISCUSSION CLOCC is an innovative city-wide model that has contributed to numerous accomplishments in Chicago, which includes a heightened awareness of obesity prevention, framing an environmental and policy approach to prevention, and creating networks among a broad range of partners. CLOCC's lessons learned can inform collaboratives in other cities, ways to maximize human, financial, and political resources to address obesity prevention in their communities.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related public policy
Public health or related research
Learning Objectives: 1) Describe 3 ways CLOCC’s networking effort has contributed to the expansion and strengthening of its collaborative partners to address child obesity.
2) List 3 ways CLOCC has strengthened partner organizations’ capacity to improve child obesity prevention efforts.
3) Name 3 ways CLOCC has supported partner organization’s work around policy and environmental level change for promoting healthy lifestyles.
Keywords: Community Collaboration, Obesity
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I was involved in the design, data analysis and writing the report of findings in this research.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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