Cost-Effective Analysis of Multimodal Intervention to Promote Cancer and Breast Cancer Screening Rates in a Safety-Net Primary Care Practice
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Xiaolei Shirley Li, B SciH
Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY
Paul Winters, MS
Department of Family Medicine, Highland Hospital, Rochester, NY
Raymond Specht, MPA
Department of Family Medicine, Hig, Rochester, NY
Amna Idris, MPH
Department of Family Medicine, Highland Hospital, Rochester, NY
Patricia Ford, MS
Department of Family Medicine, Highland Hospital, Rochester, NY
Samantha Hendren, MD, MPH
Department of General Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Sharon Humiston, MD, MPH
Department of Pediatrics, Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO
Steve Marcus
Department of Family Medicine, Highland Hospital, Rochester, NY
Shirley Pope
Department of Family Medicine, Highland Hospital, Rochester, NY
Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH
Department of Family Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Background: Disparities in breast cancer (BC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) survival and screening rates are well documented. Literature on efficacy and efficiency of reminder-recall (RR) interventions to promote screening in community safety-practices are lacking. Objective: To evaluate efficiency of a uni- versus multimodal intervention on cancer screening rates in sample of patients (n=854) from safety-net primary care practice. (24) Methods: Average-risk patients overdue for BC (women >=40 years of age) and/or CRC (all >=50 years of age) screening were randomized to uni- or multimodal six-month intervention groups. Uni-modal intervention included automated phone calls. Multimodal intervention included automated phone calls, personal letters, and mailed Fecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) kits. One-year post-enrollment screening rates were calculated and compared using chi-squared-tests and multivariate regression. Primary care practice perspective was used to calculate incremental-intervention-cost per additional individual screened. Results: One-year post-randomization BC screening rates for uni- and multimodal intervention groups are 18% vs. 27% (P<0.02), respectively; for CRC, rates are 15% vs. 25% (P<0.01), respectively. Compared with uni-modal intervention, multimodal intervention increased odds of CRC screening by 87% (CI: 13%-309%), adjusting for baseline patient characteristics. Multimodal intervention increased odds for BC by 54%, but was not significant. The ICER for BC is $43.00 per additional individual screened and for CRC is $31.00 per each additional individual screened excluding cost of FIT kits. Discussion: Multimodal RR interventions significantly increased CRC screening rates in safety-net practices. Multimodal reminder-recall interventions can be a cost-efficient method to increase screening rates. Future research can study multimodal interventions with outreach.
Learning Areas:
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programs
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practice
Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs
Learning Objectives: Compare cost-effectiveness of multimodal recall-reminder intervention versus uni-modal recall-reminder intervention for promoting breast and colorectal cancer screening rates in primary care safety-net practice.
Keywords: Cancer Screening, Safety Net Providers
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am part of the research team responsible for the whole Get Screened project's data collection, management, and analysis team. I am a current doctoral student at University of Rochester, and among my scientific interests are disparities in cancer screening and cost-effectiveness of intervention strategies.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines,
and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed
in my presentation.