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![]() 270925 Evaluation results of a promotores de salud approach to prevent obesity among LatinosMonday, October 29, 2012
To address the high rates of obesity among Latinos, a community-based participatory approach was used to develop, implement, and evaluate Cuidemos Nuestra Salud (Taking Care of Our Health), a promotores de salud-driven (lay health educator) obesity-prevention curriculum for Hispanic families. Community feedback informed the content of a culturally and linguistically appropriate toolkit, which includes a bilingual flipchart, workshop guide, and educational resources. Using the toolkit, promotores conducted 90-minute community educational outreach sessions to six Latino communities. Over 6,500 participants completed pre- and post-tests and a sub-sample received a three-month follow-up to determine changes in knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and behavior. The data was reviewed, coded and entered into a database for analysis. Frequencies and means were conducted on all the variables included in the database to evaluate the distribution of responses. Results of paired-samples t-tests demonstrated program effectiveness. For example, findings indicate a statistically significant increase in health-related knowledge, such as proper identification of health risk factors, serving sizes, and physical activity recommendations (p<.001). There was a statistically significant increase perceived ability to engage in healthy behaviors (p<.001). 70.4% reported this was the first session about nutrition that they had attended, and that prior to this session, 22.7% had not heard about nutrition. The promotores project succeeded in increasing Latinos' awareness, knowledge, perceived ability, and positive health behaviors regarding dietary and physical activity behaviors. Results from the project will be used to create other programs, inform policy development, and increase our understanding of preventing obesity in the Hispanic population.
Learning Areas:
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practiceDiversity and culture Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs Public health or related education Learning Objectives: Keywords: Community Health Promoters, Evaluation
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: In addition to having a master's in public health and being certified in public health, I have over five year of public health experience working on Latino health issues. I have been the principle researcher for the past four years on thei promotores the salud evaluation project. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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