Building community capacity through community/academic partnerships, community involvement in sampling protocol development and sample collection
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
: 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM
Wilma Subra
Technical Advisor, Louisiana Environmental Action Networks, Baton Rouge, LA
The benchmark of tracking environmental health over the lifespan of the community will involve the education of the community by the university partners on the results of sample contaminants and health impacts associated with the chemical contaminants. This will lead the community to track the community health impacts associated with the chemical contaminants as the population ages and as new individuals are born. The knowledge of contaminants and associated health impacts will lead the community to establish benchmarks as they strive to tract the contaminant concentration over the remainder of their life and attempt to evaluate contaminants and health impacts in their population as well as in new individuals born into the population. The community will also be able to track genetic impacts and mutations in new population members. The metrics to measure the success in building bi-directional capacity will include number of community members engaged in the interactive process with incidents of health impacts associated with chemical contaminants of seafood and decrease or increase in health impacts associated with decrease or increase in chemical contaminants in species consumed by the community. An additional metric will be a measure of the ability of the community to track health of new born as they relate to ongoing exposure and track the health of these newborns through their lifespan.
Learning Areas:
Environmental health sciences
Learning Objectives: Discuss the methods used to educate community members on the results of contaminants monitored and the health impacts associated with the chemical contaminants. Once the community is aware of the health impacts associated with contaminants they are potentially being exposed to, the community will be able to track the communities health impacts as the population ages and new individuals are born.
The community will be able to track the new born populations over their life span and document genetic impacts and mutations in the population.
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am qualified to be an abstract Author on the content I am responsible for because I was the principal investigator on the project that will be the basis of the presentation.
Wilma Subra
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines,
and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed
in my presentation.