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![]() 273918 Public Health Professional Services Project - a Workforce SolutionMonday, October 29, 2012
Today's economy challenges Public Health's already strained workforce, as funding is reduced, personnel responsibilities are stretched and as new projects and activities are identified. The Ohio Public Health Association is working to develop a Public Health staffing "temp agency" to address these challenges. By developing a pool of Public Health professionals who are retired, between positions or looking for part time employment, and then contracting with traditional Public Health agencies, voluntary organizations and others seeking temporary staffing, we can help meet short-term personnel needs in more efficient and economic ways. Personnel may be contracted to cover vacancies due to long-term sick leave, resignations or retirements, and for short term projects such as facilitation of strategic planning, community assessments, or other projects which do not require full-time staffing or for which an outside consultant may be more appropriate. In addition - this format will reduce the need to assign these types of projects or additional responsibilities to existing staff who may already be carrying a heavy workload. By providing these professional Public Health "temps" we will a) help get the job done, b) make best use of funds that may have otherwise been lapsed due to ongoing vacancies, c) reduce the stress placed on existing staff by helping to cover additional tasks, d) provide program continuity during long-term vacancies. This presentation will share preliminary steps in forming this business line within our organization as well as identify possible challenges and solutions met to date.
Learning Areas:
Administration, management, leadershipProgram planning Public health administration or related administration Learning Objectives: Keywords: Workforce, Public Health Administration
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the OPHA's Executive Director for four years and have provided oversight for multiple projects and grant activities including the APHA ACBI and PHAB projects. Our affiliate continues to look for new ways in which we can diversify and expand our service to the greater Public Health community as well ways in which we can create new funding streams within our organization. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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