Derek M. Griffith, PhD

University of Michigan
School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI
USA 48109-2029

2034.0 Male peer influence on African American men's motivation for physical activity: Men's and women's perspectives
2040.0 PRIME: A state health department effort to build organizational capacity to reduce health disparities
3018.0 Men on the Move: Promoting physical activity and improving health among African American men
3117.0 Community-based approaches to infant mortality reduction: What works
3200.0 Stress and coping in African American men's health: Implications for interventions
3200.0 Historical and spatial relations as fundamental determinants of American Indian infant mortality in Michigan
4374.0 Role of Religious Parents in Adolescent Sexual Health Decision-making
5125.1 “She looks out for the meals, period”: African American men's perceptions of how their wives influence their eating behavior and dietary health
5144.0 Race, financial stress and co-morbid mental and physical health conditions among men
5184.0 Evaluating Undoing Racism and Health Equity Training with a State Health Department