Amy J. Schulz, PhD

University of Michigan
School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI
USA 48109

2037.0 Residential segregation, everyday unfair treatment, and allostatic load: Examining cross-level interactions
2082.0 John Henryism and blood pressure among a multiethnic sample: The influence of socioeconomic position and occupational stressors
3182.0 Stress and central adiposity: Does cumulative stress contribute to elevated risk of obesity among women of Detroit?
3393.0 Incorporating community partners and storytelling in community intervention research to promote social support and problem-solving skills for engagement in physical activity
3422.0 Community Outreach and Education Core (COEC): Methods to improve environmental public health literacy in minority communities
4017.0 Community Capacity Building: A Key Element of Sustainability
4062.0 Walk Your Heart to Health: Preliminary Findings from a Community-based Participatory Approach to Promote Heart Health through Physical Activity in Detroit
4104.1 Associations between the social and physical environment in relation to physical activity
4107.0 Exposure to transportation-related pollution: Who lives near America's freight gateways?
4166.0 Understanding the role of community and expert knowledge in assessing local impacts of transportation infrastructure
4307.0 Walk Your Heart to Health!
5039.0 Communities Working in Partnership: Adapting a policy advocacy training for Detroit residents into a training-of-trainers for Flint, Baltimore, and North Carolina
5153.0 Longitudinal study of the food environment and adiposity in a multiethnic urban sample