Tung T. Nguyen, MD

University of California, San Francisco
Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine
1545 Divisadero Street
Box 0320
San Francisco, CA
USA 94143-0320

2065.0 Impact of physician recommendation on colorectal cancer screening in Chinese American immigrants
3005.0 Developing Culturally Relevant Colorectal Cancer Education Materials: The Case for Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine and Biomedical Approaches
3216.0 Developing the Next Generation of Health Equity Practitioners, Researchers and Leaders
3389.0 Effectiveness of Lay Health Worker Outreach on Healthy Eating and Physical Activity among Vietnamese Americans: A Randomized Controlled Trial
3410.1 Social networks and health communication among older Vietnamese American immigrants
4003.0 Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer Screening Adoption Among Chinese Americans: A Stages of Change Perspective
4305.0 Differences in social networks and colorectal cancer screening behavior among Vietnamese American immigrants
4376.0 Health Literacy Needs of Older Chinese Americans