Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
1300 S. Second St. Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN
USA 55454
3103.0 Associations between alcohol-related priorities and actions among local law enforcement agencies
3103.0 Use of underage compliance checks among state and local law enforcement agencies in U.S
3103.0 Enforcement efforts targeting adults who provide alcohol to minors
3103.0 Enforcement of drinking and driving laws in the US
4034.0 Availability of low-nutrient, energy-dense snacks and beverages in Minnesota secondary schools: Statewide trends from 2002-2010
4034.0 Urban-Rural Disparities in Secondary School Physical Activity Policies: Statewide trends in Minnesota 2002-2010
4034.0 Are school food and activity policies effective? A statewide evaluation
4184.0 Developing a Framework to Assess the Aggregate Alcohol Policy Environment in U.S. States
4184.0 Relationship between 29 Alcohol Policies and Youth Drinking in the U.S
4184.0 Alcohol Taxes and Binge Drinking in U.S. States: The Effects of Including Multiple Tax and Beverage Types
4184.0 Patterns of Select Alcohol Control Policies Across U.S. States
4253.0 Assessing the efficacy of college alcohol task forces
5161.0 Sales to obviously intoxicated patrons at alcohol establishments: What are state and local law agencies doing to address this issue?