Melody S. Goodman, PhD

Washington University School of Medicine
Division of Public Health Sciences, Department of Surgery
660 S. Euclid Avenue
Campus Box 8100
St. Louis, MO
USA 63110

2039.0 Family health history communication patterns among older adults: Importance of perceptions and disease experience
3062.0 Demystifying research and building community capacity to engage in CBPR as equitable partners
3088.0 Racial composition of social settings across the life course and adult obesity in women
3261.0 An evaluation of the Siteman Cancer Center Breast Health Center mammography outreach program
3269.0 Community Alliance for Research Empowering Social change (CARES): A qualitative evaluation for a community based public health training
3281.1 A systematic review of measures used to assess changes in race based health disparities
4178.0 Perceived racial composition of current neighborhood among diverse community health center patients: Racial/ethnic differences in subjective perceptions?