Justice Mbizo, DrPH

University of West Florida
School of Allied Health and Life Sciences
11000 University Parkway
Bldg 63, Room 134
Pensacola, FL
USA 32514

3098.0 Gender Differences in Use of Preventive Eye Care Services Among Diabetic US Adults, Evidence from the BRFSS, 2010
3230.0 Gender differences in bullying and suicide attempts among U.S. High School students
3271.0 Variations in Use of Preventative Dental Services Among Diabetic US Adults, Evidence from the BRFSS, 2010
3271.0 Use of Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccine in People with Diabetes
3271.0 Socio-demographic Determinants of Teeth Loss among Diabetic and Non-Diabetic American Adults, BRFSS, 2010