Xiaoming Li

Wayne State University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
4707 Saint Antoine St, Hutzel Building, Suite W534
Detroit, MI
USA 48201

3143.0 Perceived HIV risks, types of sexually transmitted diseases, and discordant infection status among low-tier female sex workers in China
3165.0 Parental monitoring, parent-adolescent communication and adolescent risk behaviors
3286.0 Associations of depression, substance use, self-efficacy and future control with sexual risk behavior among female sexual workers in China
4119.0 Gatekeeper support and HIV-testing among female sex workers in China
5025.0 A structural equation model of perceived stigma, alcohol use, partner violence, and depressive symptoms among female sex workers in China
5187.0 Concurrent sexual relationship among male clients of female sex workers in China
5187.0 Suicide ideation and attempts and perceived stigma among children affected by HIV/AIDS in China