Mian B. Hossain, PhD

Morgan State University
School of Community Health and Policy
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Portage Building (Room 302c)
Baltimore, MD
USA 21251

3085.0 Lessons learned from a pilot integrated pest management (IPM) education intervention
3128.0 A longitudinal analysis of metabolic biomarkers and selected predictors of overall, cancer and CVD mortality in US adults
3184.2 Energy expenditure differs between Black and White Americans: Implications for obesity prevention research
4083.0 Does drug prevention program participation help youths' aged 12-17 in preventing them from initiating Marijuana use?
4273.1 Maternal exposure to spousal violence is associated with Acute Respiratory Infection among children under the age of 5 in Bangladesh and Nigeria
5076.0 Effects of media exposure in direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs, patient demand and patient satisfaction