Emergency Medical Services
6255 Mission Gorge Road
San Diego, CA
USA 92120
2042.0 Substances involved in suicidal overdoses in a major metropolitan area
2042.0 Changes in suicide mechanisms: Twenty year trends
3136.0 Transforming the public health work environment through employee engagement
3222.0 Incorporating economic modeling and cost estimation into local public health data
3405.1 What's your community style? - Using social marketing analysis for health marketing campaigns
4121.0 Five years in: A look back at a cardiovascular STEMI receiving center system in a large metropolitan county
4172.0 Trends from the field: Real-time EMS surveillance
4172.0 Changing profile of trauma patients in a major trauma system , 2000 – 2010
4263.0 What's on your plate, San Diego? – An analysis of food expenditures in San Diego County