APHA Meetings: Online Program |
Topics in Occupational Health Surveillance
Monday, October 29, 2012: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Green Collar Workers: Surveillance strategies for the New Workforce Frontier
Ian McKeown, MS, Alberto Caban-Martinez, PhD, DO, MPH, CPH, Sharon L. Christ, PhD, Manuel Cifuentes, MD, ScD, William G. LeBlanc, PhD, Lora E. Fleming, MD, PhD, Tainya C. Clarke, MPH, MS, Manuel A. Ocasio, BA, Diana Kachan, BS and David J. Lee, PhD
Work-related illness and injury claims among certified athletic trainers reported to workers' compensation in Washington and California
Kristen L. Kucera, PhD, MSPH, ATC, LAT, Karen G. Roos, PT, ATC, Jennifer Hootman, PhD, Hester J. Lipscomb, PhD, John Dement, PhD, CIH and Barbara A. Silverstein, PhD, MPH
Occupational Injury Surveillance for the Electric Utility Industry Guiding Ergonomics Research and Interventions
Ximena Vergara, PhD, MPH, Gabor Mezei, MD, PhD, Tiffani Fordyce, MPH and Sharan Campleman, PhD, MPH, DABT, CTR
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety
CE Credits:
Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)