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![]() 3150.0 Invited Panel: Malaria in Pregnancy: An urgent yet solvable problem uniting the maternal health and malaria communities in AfricaMonday, October 29, 2012: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
While there has been a dramatic decline in both maternal mortality and deaths attributed to malaria in the past ten years, malaria in pregnancy remains a significant problem. Coverage of malaria control efforts among pregnant women remains low, and malaria in pregnancy (MiP) continues to be a substantial contributor to maternal mortality and morbidity in malaria-endemic regions.
MiP programming is at a critical juncture. Important gains have been made in malaria control, but without continued efforts, the gains achieved may quickly erode. Coverage of malaria prevention (particularly intermittent prophylaxis), screening, and treatment among pregnant women remains low in many locations in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), despite clear evidence of effective interventions and significant investment in this area. Confusion at the global level about integration between maternal health and malaria is mirrored by confusion at the country level, making the question of how malaria care might be better integrated into antenatal care (ANC) of special interest.
In this session, highlights from a recent gathering of malaria and maternal health experts that was held in June 2012 in Istanbul will be shared, as well as identification of the main challenges to addressing MiP in SSA, exploring opportunities for collaboration and innovation, and determining next steps to improve the partnership between the malaria and maternal health communities.
Findings from Nigeria and Mozambique will be used to frame both successes and challenges experienced in clinical and community settings when trying to address malaria in pregnancy. From Nigeria, a clinical perspective outlines both the promise and the failure of antenatal care services to date. From Mozambique, a community perspective offers insight into lessons of empowerment and leadership that can lead to higher coverage of pregnant women receiving prevention, screening, and treatment. Experiences shared will also lend insight into why building strategic partnerships is an imperative next step in order for the global health community to address the most critical barriers.
Session Objectives: 1)Describe why malaria in pregnancy is an important issue
2)List three reasons why malaria in pregnancy requires urgent attention
3)Identify challenges faced by the maternal health community when trying to address malaria in pregnancy through the antenatal care platform
4)Identify challenges faced by the malaria community when trying to address malaria in pregnancy through community channels
5)Describe three policy or program priorities moving forward to address malaria in pregnancy
Laura C. Altobelli, DrPH, MPH
Laura C. Altobelli, DrPH, MPH
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: International Health
See more of: International Health