3384.0 Addressing Prescription Drug Use & Abuse

Monday, October 29, 2012: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Linda Joy Frazier, MA, RN, MCHES

Board 1
Prescription monitoring programs reduce mortality rates due to overdose
Kara Mandell, MA and Whitney P. Witt, PhD, MPH
Board 3
Health risks and mental health problems associated with prescription opioid and benzodiazepine abusing men
Mance E. Buttram, MA, Steven P. Kurtz, PhD and Hilary L. Surratt, PhD
Board 4
Prescription drug abuse in Los Angeles County: Trends and patterns in admissions among publically funded substance abuse treatment facilities
Tina Kim, PhD MA, Heather Readhead, MD MPH, Eva Weinstein, MPH, Farimah Fiali, MSQA and Benedict Lee, PhD
Board 5
Contrasting patterns of drug use among high-risk young adults
Stephen E. Lankenau, PhD, Karol Silva, MPH, Sheree M. Schrager, MS, PhD and Aleksandar Kecojevic, MPH, DrPH(c)
Board 7
Diversion of Prescription Stimulants by 10 to 18 year olds from N-MAPSS
Linda Cottler, PhD, MPH, Susan Bradford, BSEd and Catherine Striley, PhD, MSW, MPE
Board 8
Community-based investigations of prescription opioid overdose outbreaks: Findings and responses from a three-site rapid assessment and response study
Traci Green, PhD, Sarah Bowman, MPH, Nickolas Zaller, PhD, Madeline Ray, Patricia Case, ScD, Robert Heimer, Ph D, Nicole Pflug, Roza Tammer and Rehan Ansari
Board 9
How does age of initiation of drugs vary in a national sample of adolescents in relation to use of prescription stimulants
Catherine Striley, PhD, MSW, MPE, Susan Bradford, BSEd and Linda Cottler, PhD, MPH
Board 10

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Endorsed by: Mental Health