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![]() 3410.1 Special Topics in Healthcare for the Elderly and Related IssuesMonday, October 29, 2012: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
This session is focused on various topics on aging and long-term care, including a study examined social networks and health communication among older Vietnamese American immigrants, insurance coverage among personal care aides at residential care facilities, an investigation on the effect of an 8-week Tai Chi exercise program on physical functional performance in older women, a study on enhancing self-efficacy among informal and entry-level professional caregivers, as well as a study on the effect of grandparenting on grandparents' mental health in Taiwan.
Session Objectives: 1. Assess strategies for leveraging social networks to optimize health communication among such immigrants. 2. Identify characteristics of residential care facilities associated the offering of employer-based insurance coverage. 3. Identify the health advantages associated with the participation in Tai Chi exercise by middle aged women, which may assist practitioners to develop programs for middle aged and older adults to improve their physical functioning, prevent falls, and facilitate independent living. 4. Identify six types of agencies (or community based programs) that could be invited to collaborate to offer educational opportunities for caregivers. 5. Identify the effects of social support and living arrangement on grandparents' mental health.
Gem Le, PhD, MHS
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Aging & Public Health
See more of: Aging & Public Health