A missing step: Assessing breastfeeding initiation rates at the community level
Ann Dozier, PhD, RN1, Elizabeth A. Brownell, MA PhD2, Kelly Thevenet-Morrison, MS1, Hongmei Yang, PhD1, Cynthia Howard, MD, MPH3, Alice Nelson4, Joseph Duckett1, Barbara Suter, RN, MPH1, Holly Widanka, MS1, Patricia Brantingham, MA5, Christopher Seplaki, PhD1, Nancy Chin, PhD, MPH1, Deborah Ossip, PhD1 and Ruth Lawrence, MD DD(hon)6
(1)University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (2)CT Childrens Medical Center, Hartford, CT, (3)Rochester General Hospital; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (4)University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, (5)Perinatal Network of Monroe County, Rochester, NY, (6)University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, NY
(1)University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (2)CT Childrens Medical Center, Hartford, CT, (3)Rochester General Hospital; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (4)University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, (5)Perinatal Network of Monroe County, Rochester, NY, (6)University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, NY