Development of a social network website to prevent HIV in a young adult homeless population
David Pollio, PhD1, Jennifer McClendon, MSW, PhD2, Eric Rice, PhD3, Andrea Stella4, James Thacher4 and David Rosenthal, PhD5
(1)University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, (2)Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, (3)University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, (4)The Space at Tompkins, New York, NY, (5)Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, New York, NY
(1)University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, (2)Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, (3)University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, (4)The Space at Tompkins, New York, NY, (5)Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, New York, NY