Results from Do one Thing: A geographically oriented HIV test and treat program in a medically underserved neighborhood in Philadelphia, PA

Sophie Feller, B.A.1, Kathleen Kozeniewski, MSW, LCSW2, Annajane Yolken3, Julia Harvey3, Stacey Trooskin, MD, PhD4, Gladys Thomas, MSW, MBA5, Hwajin Lee3, Sharon Parker, PhD MSW MS3, Najia Luqman, MPH6, Danielle Parks, MPH7, LaDonna Smith8, Ta-Wanda Preston8 and Amy Nunn, ScD9
(1)Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, (2)The Health Annex, Philadelphia, PA, (3)Brown University School of Medicine and The Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI, (4)Drexel University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, (5)The Miriam Hospital and Do One Thing, Providence, RI, (6)Bebashi and Do One Thing, Philadelphia, PA, (7)Drexel University School of Medicine and Do One Thing, Philadelphia, PA, (8)Do One Thing, Providence, RI, (9)Brown University School of Public Health / Rhode Island Public Health Institute, Providence, RI