CV risk factors in a convenience sample of community dwelling kenyans
Eileen Stuart-Shor, PhD, APRN,1, Jacob Kariuki, RN, BSN2, Jessica DeMita, RN, BSN2, Darren Golden2, Jaimee Halliday2, Amanda French2, Anna Karani, PhD, RN3, Ann Mukuna, RN, BSN4 and Peris Kariuki, RN, BSN5
(1)University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, (2)University of Massachusetts Boston, (3)University of Nairobi, (4)Tumutumu Hospital School of Nursing, (5)Kijabe Hospital School of Nursing
(1)University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, (2)University of Massachusetts Boston, (3)University of Nairobi, (4)Tumutumu Hospital School of Nursing, (5)Kijabe Hospital School of Nursing