House bill 999: Adoption and implementation of state-mandated abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education curriculum in Mississippi public schools
Kathleen Ragsdale, MA, PhD1, Sarah E. Pellegrine, BA1, La'Mont T. Sutton, BS2, DeMarc Hickson, PhD, MPH3 and June Gipson, PhD, EdS4
(1)Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, (2)Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA, (3)My Brother's Keeper, Inc., Jackson, MS, (4)My Brother's Keeper, Inc., Ridgeland, MS
(1)Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, (2)Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA, (3)My Brother's Keeper, Inc., Jackson, MS, (4)My Brother's Keeper, Inc., Ridgeland, MS