Community change agents - getting a deeper understanding of malaria prevention
Results showed community members felt the CCAs provided detailed information on malaria prevention through their interpersonal communication (IPC), which then resulted in positive individual and community change. Improved understanding of malaria encouraged sleeping under nets every night to avoid night-biting mosquitos, and contributed to prompt treatment of fever at health centers, rather than traditional healers. Respondents understood their susceptibility to and severity of malaria, and were able to take appropriate prevention and treatment actions as advised by the CCAs. They saw the CCAs as “doctors” of malaria information. CCAs provided information in understandable terms and in line with their community culture. People reported they were not only able to change their behaviors, but in turn initiated community discussions with those not involved in outreach activities. This is a successful replicable model that can incorporate other health prevention and treatment topics.
Learning Areas:
Communication and informaticsSocial and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Identify the factors that led to the success of the interpersonal communication activity empowering communities and individuals to engage in malaria prevention, control and treatment.
Assess the community mobilization activity for changing malaria related behaviors.
Keyword(s): Community Participation, International Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am managing the program that the abstract describes.
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