Acquisition of baseline information on challenges to access health services and information by those with visual impairment and disabilities
Objectives: To evaluate the modalities of information and knowledge gathering, To assess barriers to uptake of services for people living with visual impairment and disabilities, To evaluate the quality of pharmaceutical counseling and health services provided to people living with visual impairment and disabilities
Methods: The study was designed as a cross-sectional descriptive case study comprising of groups of visually impaired and disabled persons, aged between 18 - 60 years, and living in areas served by Johannesburg (JHB)Society of the Blind via: Johannesburg, Durban, Ladysmith and Escort. The data was collected via face-to-face interviews with 40 participants within the JHB Society of Blind community.
Results: Pending Results
Conclusion: The anticipated conclusion is that there is a major need to develop a better sense of awareness and build a culture of inclusion for patients with living disabilities and visual impairment in the healthcare sector and society.
Learning Areas:
Administration, management, leadershipAdvocacy for health and health education
Diversity and culture
Public health or related nursing
Learning Objectives:
Evaluate the modalities of information and knowledge gathering for people living with visual impairment and disabilities
Identify barriers to uptake of services for people living with visual impairment and disabilities
Evaluate the quality of pharmaceutical guidance and medication utilization for people with visual impairment and disabilities
Keyword(s): Disability, Access and Services
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: As a Rutgers Fellow, I completed 6 months of my 1 year public health residency in South Africa working with community health related programs. Delivered medical education in HIV/AIDS, Mental Health awareness, Technical assistance, training community workers caring for HIV and Mental Health disorders, drug side-effect managements for to funded partners in the HIV/AIDS realm. The submitted work is affiliated with the BMS Foundation Secure The Future partnership collaboration with JHB Society of the Blind.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.