Online Program

Innovations in injury research methods

Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Joyce Pressley, PhD, MPH

Estimating the global incidence of femur fracture   
Kiran Agarwal-Harding, B.S., John Meara, MD, DMD, MBA, Sarah Greenberg, MD, Lars Hagander, MD and George Dyer, MD
Internet and ivr survey: Choice, engagement, data equivalency   
Santosh K. Verma, ScD, MPH, MBBS, Theodore K. Courtney, MS, CSP, Wen R. Chang, PhD, David A. Lombardi, PhD, Yueng-hsiang (Emily) Huang, PhD, Melanye J. Brennan, MS and Melissa J. Perry, ScD
Violence exposure and depressive symptoms among urban youth: A growth curve analysis   
Andria Eisman, MPH, PhD, Sarah Stoddard, PhD, Sophie Aiyer, PhD, Justin Heinze, PhD and Marc Zimmerman, PhD
Modeling the diffusion of homicide by type through a mid-sized American city to inform public health prevention efforts   
April Zeoli, PhD, MPH, Jesenia Pizarro, PhD, Chris Melde, PhD and Sue Grady, PhD, MPH
Counting injury deaths: Underlying vs. multiple causes of death mortality data   
Tsung-Hsueh Lu, Annjhih Hsiao, Chuan-Chiang Hsu, Hua-Chun Peng and Lea-Hua Chen

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services
Endorsed by: Epidemiology

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)