Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Mental Health
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Board 2
Post-traumatic stress disorder after super-storm sandy among persons previously exposed to the world trade center disaster on september 11, 2001
Robert Brackbill, PhD, MPH, James Cone, MD MPH, Monique Fairclough, MS, Mark R. Farfel, ScD, Carey Maslow, DrPH, MPH, Steven Stellman, PhD, MPH, Deborah Walker, PHD, David Wu, MS and Shengchao Yu, PHD
Board 3
Mental health concerns in a rural community post-disaster
Lucy Annang, PhD, MPH, Bethany Carlos, BS, Chiwoneso Tinago, MPH, Evangeline Cornelius, Louisiana Wright Sanders, MBA, Tina Bevington, L. Julia Ball, RN, PhD, Amy B. Martin, DrPH, Sacoby Wilson, MS, PhD and Erik Svendsen, PhD
Board 6
Childhood trauma and its influence on occupational prestige in young adulthood
Cristina Fernandez, MSEd, Sharon L. Christ, PhD, William G. LeBlanc, PhD, Kristopher L. Arheart, Ed.D., Noella A. Dietz, PhD, Kathryn E. McCollister, PhD, Lora E. Fleming, MD, PhD, Peter Muennig, MD, MPH, Carles Muntaner, PhD, MHS and David J. Lee, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Mental Health
Endorsed by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services, Women's Caucus, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, Caucus on Homelessness