Policy Implementation in Hospice and Palliative Care: An Examination of Hospice Policy, Decision Making and Design in Context of State Policy on End-of-Life Care
Policy Implementation in Hospice and Palliative Care: An Examination of Hospice Policy, Decision Making and Design in Context of State Policy on End-of-Life Care
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Health reform has placed hospice care, a form of palliative care for patients who are no longer appropriate for disease modifying therapies due to advanced or terminal illness, under increasing scrutiny. Hospice care is a comprehensive interdisciplinary care program that provides pain and symptom management as well as psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual support services to patients. The Medicare Hospice Benefit (MHB) is the primary financing mechanism for hospice care. Regular Medicare coverage is suspended for beneficiaries who elect the MHB and thereby agree to forgo curative medical treatment. Providers are reimbursed only for services that are primarily palliative and have a palliative intent.There has been rapid growth in hospice over the past decades – in 2010, 44% of Americans who died were receiving hospice (MedPac, 2012). The average length of stay rose to 86 days in 2010 up from 84 days in 2009. Research findings suggest that hospice enrollment results in substantial savings in government expenditures, in particular among short stay nursing home residents (Gozalo, Miller, Intrator, Barber & Mor, 2007). The aims of this symposium are to examine variation in state policy in hospice, palliative and end of life care, and to evaluate hospice design, policy and decision making in response to state initiatives. Research findings on State Medicaid and Hospice Certificate of Need policy, and nursing home investment in internal and external palliative care will be presented and discussed.
Session Objectives: Identify issues and variation in state policy making that influence hospice design and structure, policy and decision making.
Discuss variation in hospice treatment of conflict between hospice mission and state mandates.
Mary E. Morrissey, PhD, MPH, JD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Aging & Public Health
Endorsed by: Law, Socialist Caucus
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: Aging & Public Health