Student Public Health Projects
Monday, November 4, 2013: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Board 1
HIV awareness and information gaps among thai & ethnic minorities in northern Thailand
G. Pamela Renée Crawford, MPhil, SM, MS, PhD, Robert S. Lawrence, MD, Nancy K. Roderer, MLS and David D. Celentano, ScD, MHS
Board 4
Community health workers in the clinical setting: Are we ready to take a leap?
Jason Lee, B.S., Jeffrey Cho, B.A., Nellie Leon, DrPH, Thelma Gamboa, DrPH, Susanne Montgomery, PhD, MPH, MS and Joachim Brown
Board 7
Examining data sharing and integration protocols in five American communities: An assessment of homeless management information systems applications
Oyewale Shiyanbola, MD, MPH, Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway, PhD, Nizar K. Wehbi, MD, MPH, MBA, Erin Bock, MPA and Erin Porterfield, LCSW
Board 9
Evaluating the career impact of training grants in health services research
Preyanka Makadia, DO(c), Rebecca Trocki, MSHAI, Kishena Wadhwani, PhD, MPH, Shyam Misra, MD, PhD and Francis Chesley, MD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: APHA-Student Assembly