141st APHA Annual Meeting

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Advancing community-driven action research: Walkability assessments through videovoice

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 : 12:50 PM - 1:10 PM

Tony Dang, BA , California WALKS, Oakland, CA
Wendy Alfsen, JD , California WALKS, Oakland, CA
Diana Rodriguez , California WALKS, Oakland, CA
MariaJose Diaz , California WALKS, Oakland, CA
Christopher Chavez , California WALKS, Oakland, CA
Jason Rovira , California WALKS, Oakland, CA
Though traditional research methods attempt to capture a community's needs, there is nothing more powerful than a resident describing first-hand her community's current conditions, need for change, and desired changes for improving health outcomes. California WALKS work focuses on improving the built environment and overcoming street violence to make walking and street crossing safer.

This session will guide participants through California WALKS' ongoing community-based participatory action research (CBPAR) VideoVoice method and best practices in empowering community residents to communicate desired changes to create safe and walkable neighborhoods. VideoVoice is a process by which youth, older adults, and other community members self-select and collect video data on existing health and safety conditions, identify their importance and articulate desired outcomes and the roles they and others play in achieving that change. By moving beyond “token” community engagement, VideoVoice is a powerful, easily understandable communication strategy that cultivates sustainable youth and community leadership in advocacy for healthy, safe, and equitable communities.

This session will focus on the process, outcomes and replicability of VideoVoice for maximum participant benefit. California WALKS Youth Leaders—who have been training and peer-mentoring other youth, public health professionals and older adults across California on VideoVoice best practices—will present their personal perspectives on community health outcomes achieved and the impact of VideoVoice on their future careers in public health.

Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health education

Learning Objectives:
Identify VideoVoice best practices for community-driven assessment, data collection and action communication; Discuss VideoVoice examples, outcomes, and lessons learned for replicability in other communities; and List elements of a successful VideoVoice/walk assessment project.

Keywords: Public Health Advocacy, Participatory Action Research

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Tony Dang coordinates, supports, and directs the growth of the California WALKS state network of affiliated local walk advocacy organizations to advance a unified statewide vision for walkable communities. Tony also facilitates community engagement in local, regional, and statewide healthy transportation advocacy through Community Pedestrian Safety Trainings and youth-oriented VideoVoice workshops. Tony is engaged in statewide active transportation policy advocacy and is Co-Chair of the Safe Rates to School National Partnership Complete Streets Action Team.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.