141st APHA Annual Meeting

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Youth exposures to occupational hazards, use of personal protective equipment and their effect on reported injuries

Monday, November 4, 2013

Janet Abboud Dal Santo, DrPH , Institute for Health Disparities Research, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
Thankam Sunil, PhD , Department of Sociology, The University of Texas San Antonio, Texas, TX
J. Michael Bowling, PhD , Health Behavior and Health Education, UNC- Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Background: Studies on youth workers' exposure to occupational hazards, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and injuries are limited. Such research is important for designing interventions to reduce hazardous exposures and prevent injuries. Methods: Data were obtained from cross sectional surveys in 32 high schools in North Carolina and South Carolina in fall 2005. A total of 1658 employed youth participated. Chi-square analyses were calculated to study the relationship between hazardous exposures, use of personal protective equipment and reported injuries. Results: For chemical hazards 35% of respondents reported exposure to fumes or thick smoke, 38% reported exposure to loud noise (noise hazard), 44% reported working with hot liquids or grease (thermal hazard), 21.5% reported working near falling objects (mechanical hazard), and 4% reported exposure to needles and medical waste (biological hazard). With the exception of thermal exposure, a higher proportion of youth under 16 years than older youth reported exposure to each examined type of hazard. A higher proportion of males than females reported using masks, safety gloves, steel toed boots and hard helmets. Injuries were significantly associated with the use of protective masks and with exposure to noise hazard (Chi Square (1) = 16.6, p= 0.000),chemical hazards (Chi Square (1) = 36.4, p= 0.000) and mechanical hazards (Chi Square (1) = 16.1, p= 0.000). Conclusions: Youth experience a variety of occupational hazards and use of PPE is inadequate. In addition to eliminating hazardous exposures, safety interventions need to promote the use of PPE and target young workers.

Learning Areas:
Occupational health and safety

Learning Objectives:
List 5 types of occupational hazards youth have been reportedly exposed to Define 5 types of protective equipment used among youth who reported hazardous exposures Discuss the relationship between hazardous exposures, use of protective equipment, and reported injuries among youth workers.

Keywords: Occupational Surveillance, Occupational Injury and Death

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I was the PI of the study, funded by an RO1 grant from NIOSH. I have been an active participant in all stages of the research: survey design, data collection, coding and analysis, and interpretation of findings
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.