141st APHA Annual Meeting

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Visualizing sacredness of place: Telling our stories

Monday, November 4, 2013 : 12:30 PM - 12:45 PM

Esther Lucero, MPP , Community Wellness Department, Native American Health Center, Oakland, CA
During this presentation, we will explore innovative media strategies as a tool for successful Tribal engagement and outreach; showcase the use of oral storytelling as an approach to protect and promote health; highlight environmental public health priorities of NTEH Think Tank members, depicting regional perspectives of why place matters; and describe opportunities and challenges in this work.

Learning Areas:
Environmental health sciences
Public health or related laws, regulations, standards, or guidelines
Public health or related research

Learning Objectives:
Discuss innovative media strategies as a tool for successful Tribal engagement and outreach Demonstrate the use of digital technology as an approach to protect and promote health Identify environmental public health priorities of NTEH Think Tank members, depicting regional perspectives of why place matters Identify opportunities and challenges in this work

Keywords: American Indians, Access and Services

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the Director of Policy and Programs at the Native American Health Center in Oakland, California. I am responsible for a variety of community prevention and early intervention programs. I am an Adjunct Professor at San Francisco State University, and San Francisco Art Institute in the American Indian Studies and Urban Studies departments respectively. My work has been dedicated to promoting policy change for urban American Indians/Alaska Natives using a community driven, multi-media approach.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.