141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Daniel P. Perales, DrPh MPH

Professor of Public Health
San Jose State University
Department of Health Science
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA
USA 95192-0052

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Dan Perales received his BA degree from U.C. Berkeley and his MPH and DrPH degrees from the University of Texas School of Public Health. He is Professor of Public Health in the San Jose State University Department of Health Science and the MPH Programs’ Distance Education Director. He teaches Health Promotion Planning and Evaluation in the SJSU MPH Program and Social Marketing and Epidemiology in the undergraduate program. Over the last 25 years, he has conducted research that includes observational studies of bicycle safety helmet use and a needle exchange harm reduction program. He has also conducted evaluations of programs related to tobacco control, adolescent pregnancy prevention, nutrition education and food security, child immunization, and coalition development and maintenance. Dr. Perales’ service includes; member of the American Public Health Association's Strategic Planning Committee, the Editorial Board of Health Education and Behavior and the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Health Promotion Practice. He is on the Prevention Institute’s Board of Directors.

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