141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Claudia Chaufan, MD, PhD

Institute for Health and Aging in the School of Nursing
Social and Behavioral Sciences
3333 California St. Suite 340
San Francisco, CA
USA 94118
Email: claudiachaufan@yahoo.com

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Chaufan is an Assocciate Professor of Health Policy and Sociology at the University of California in San Francisco. Her research focuses on the social and political determinants of health and healthcare inequalities (emphasis on diabetes/obesity), comparative healthcare systems, and biomedicalization/critical analysis of human genomic research. She has taught these and other topics, such as sociology of power and classical sociological theory. She is active in Physicians for a National Health Program.

3279.0 Is the swiss health care system a model for the United States? 3462.0 ‘missing heritability' of common disorders: Should health researchers care? 5125.1 Language barriers and diabetes care among urban, underserved latinos in a teaching hospital in northern California