141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section


University of Georgia
Health Promotion and Behavior
309 Ramsey Center, 300 River Road
Athens, GA
USA 30602

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Su-I Hou is an Associate Professor of Department of Health Promotion and Behavior at the College of Public Health. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, and also an Associate Editor for the Health Promotion Practice, Society of Public Health Education’s official journal devoted to the practical application of health promotion and education. She is a recognized scholar of service-learning by the Community-Campus Partnership for Health, and is an inaugural service-learning senior scholar for UGA’s Office of Service-Learning. Most of her research involves working with community partners in developing and validating the study instrument, assessing psycho-social factors that influence health behaviors, developing and implementing theory-based health programs, and evaluating the effectiveness of program interventions. Dr. Hou has extensive experience integrating service-learning components into her teaching of core or required MPH and DrPH courses. She repeatedly receives grants to work with the communities in Georgia and successfully developed a service-learning model to build and sustain engaged community-campus partnerships while providing valuable real-world experiential learning opportunities for her graduate students.

2050.0 Has the internet replaced traditional media and human as a major health information source among Chinese middle- and older-age adults 3085.0 Comparing community- vs clinic- based community health navigators (CHNs) intervention models for cancer screening education and promotion 3183.0 How beliefs towards ehealth communication predict internet and online health behaviors among middle- and older-age working adults in Taiwan 3302.0 Camp-based innovative HIV prevention program among youths in South Africa – does day- vs. residential- camp format make a difference? 3446.0 How beliefs towards ehealth communication predict preferred ehealth strategies among middle- and older-age working adults in Taiwan 4217.0 Black girl syndrome: An introduction 4256.0 Immersion and experiential learning on public health and aging in a Taiwan study abroad program: Study abroad as a strategy for promoting cross culture learning and global public health education 5010.0 Developing peer-led youth camps for HIV prevention and youth development in South Africa: The camp "sizanani (help each other)" program