141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Antonio Tovar, MA

University of Florida
2901 SW 13th St. Apt. 345
Gainesville, FL
USA 32608
Email: tonytovar@hotmail.com

Biographical Sketch:
Jose Antonio Tovar-Aguilar is a PhD candidate in Medical Anthropology from University of Florida. He works as Project Director at the Florida Prevention Research Center’s "Partnership for Citrus Worker Health" and at the Farmworkers Association of Florida assessing the impact of natural disasters on farmworker’s wages. He also collaborates with University of Florida evaluating a Farm Labor Supervisor Training program and with Emory University researching the effects of farmwork on female workers and their children.

2073.0 Feasibility of physiologic biomontoring of occupational heat-related illness in central Florida farmworkers 2074.0 Community-informed and community-based learning: Curriculum development using CBPR from and for female farm workers of Florida 2074.0 Workplace exposure to fungicides: A reproductive hazard for female farmworkers in central Florida 3404.0 Methodological considerations in selecting male community health workers (CHWs) in farm worker crews