Michelle Wood, MPP
Program Manager, Food Procurement & Policy
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention
3530 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor
Los Angeles,
Biographical Sketch: Michelle Wood Bio
Michelle Wood is a Policy Analyst with the Communities Putting Prevention to Work-funded RENEW Los Angeles County Initiative through the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Michelle manages the County's partnership with 4 school districts -- including the second-largest school district in the nation, the Los Angeles Unified School District -- in order to adopt food policies to improve the nutritional content of school meals. Michelle also leads RENEW�s policy efforts to establish healthy food procurement policies in County of Los Angeles departments and programs. She provides guidance to RENEW funded partners on the implementation of project activities, policy development and monitors progress on policy goals.
Adopting healthy food procurement strategies to improve nutrition in city of los angeles government food service environments