141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Christy Collins

The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital
Center for Injury Research and Policy
700 Children's Dr.
Columbus, OH
USA 43205
Email: christy.collins@nationwidechildrens.org

Biographical Sketch:
Christy is a Senior Research Associate in the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital and a 2nd year PhD student in Epidemiology at The Ohio State University, College of Public Health. Her current research includes sports-related violence as a risk factor for sports-related injury among youth, the epidemiology of sports, recreation and leisure activity-related injuries among children and adolescents and the life-long health benefits associated with an active childhood.

2031.0 Mouthguard bites (Behavior, Impulsivity, Theory Evaluation Study): What drives mouthguard use among high school basketball and baseball/softball athletes 4228.0 Role of impact location in concussion outcomes among US high school football players 5009.3 Clinical presentation patterns and settings for pediatric traumatic brain injury at one, large midwest children's hospital 5050.0 Evaluating true cost of pediatric traumatic brain injury by analyzing total charges across multiple clinical settings