141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Catherine Vanderboom, PhD, RN

Clinical Nurse Researcher
Mayo Clinic
Department of Nursing
200 First Street SW
Eisenberg SL-41
Rochester, MN
USA 55905
Email: vanderboom.catherine@mayo.edu

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Vanderboom is a nurse researcher at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Her research is focused on self-management support for community-dwelling older adults with chronic conditions. She is interested in the developing roles that support chronic illness care such as nurse care coordination, support for patient self-management, and transitional care. Her interests extend to research involving technology to support chronic illness care particularly to extend nurse care coordination to patients in rural areas.

3461.0 Working from a strengths perspective: An evidence-based omaha system care plan for older adults with chronic health condions