141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Preety Gadhoke, PhD, MPH

Assistant Scientist
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of International Health
8205 Spain Road NE
Suite 210
Albuquerque, NM
USA 87109
Email: pgadhoke@jhsph.edu

Biographical Sketch:
Preety Gadhoke has over 10 years of experience with public health research. She is currently an Assistant Scientist at the Center for American Indian Health of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg of Public Health. Ms. Gadhoke has an MPH in Health Policy and Management from Emory University and is a PhD candidate at Bloomberg. At CAIH, she is a principal investigator and led evaluator of social, behavioral, and environmental interventions for diabetes prevention among American Indians.

4010.0 'we're changing our ways": Women as primary caregivers and adaptations of food and physical activity related health behaviors in semi-rural and rural American Indian/Alaska Native households