141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Craig Ravesloot, PhD

Research Director
University of Montana
Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
52 Corbin Hall
Missoula, MT
USA 59812

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Ravesloot is a Clinical Psychologist and Associate Research Professor of Psychology at the University of Montana where he directs disability and health research for the Rural Institute on Disabilities. Dr. Ravesloot has 20 years experience in research, program development and evaluation of services for people with disabilities funded through the National Insitute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Public Health Service (PHS). He developed an influential health promotion program titled, “Living Well with a Disability” that has been cited in President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative. He was awarded the Disability and Health research scientist of the year award by the Southwest Conference on Disabilities in 2006. He has published numerous articles covering a range of topics including health, employment and independent living for people with disabilities.

3232.0 Health benefits of teaching rural people with disabilities to use community resources for health management compared with health education: A randomized trial