Abstract Details

Implementation of the PECARN traumatic brain injury prediction rules using electronic health record-based clinical decision support: An interrupted time series trial

Peter Dayan, MD, MSc1, Eric Tham, MD, MPH2, Sara Deakyne, MPH, Marguerite Swietlik, MSN, CRNP2, Robert Grundmeier, MD2, Jeff Hoffman, MD2, Leah Tzimenatos, MD2, Evaline Alessandrini, MD, MSCE, Lalit Bajaj, MD, MPH, Larry Cook, MStat, PhD4, Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH, Suzanne Bakken, RN, PhD, Barbara Sheehan, PhD, PNP2, Charlie Casper, PhD2, Jeff Yearly, BA2, Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH5, Howard Goldberg, MD6, Marilyn Paterno, MBI6, Molly Schaeffer, MS6, Deepika Pabbathi, MSc(IS)6, Roberto Rocha, MD, PhD6, Richard Boyer, MSCS6, Yelena Kleyner6, Dustin Ballard, MD, MBE7, Robert Norris, MD8, Steve Offerman, MD8, Dustin Mark, MD9, David Vinson, MD10, Mamata Kene, MD8 and Uli Chettipally, MD, MPH8
(1)The Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, New York, NY, (2)Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN), (3)University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (4)UC Davis School of Medicine, Davis, CA, (5)Partners HealthCare System, (6)Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Rafael, San Rafael, CA, (7)Kaiser Permanente Clinical Research in Emergency Services & Treatments (CREST) Network, (8)Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland, Oakland, CA, (9)Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA