Abstract Details

“Good, clean and fair” food: A global approach to sustainability and health through the analysis of Slow Food Presidia products

Andrea Pezzana, MD, PsyD1, Laura Bersani2, Francesca Baldereschi3, Raffaella Ponzio3, Daniela Vassallo4, Michela Zanardi5, Zaira Frighi5, Paola Chiara Durelli5 and Carlo Petrini3
(1)university of gastronomic sciences, bra, Italy, (2)laboratorio chimico camera di commercio, torino, Italy, (3)Slow Food International and Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity, Bra, Italy, bra, Italy, (4)ospedale mauriziano, torino - italy, torino, Italy, (5)ospedale san giovanni bosco, torino - italy, torino, Italy