Abstract Details

Effect of leisure-time physical activity on the risk of falling and fall-related injuries among young and middle-age adults

Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, PhD, DO, MPH, CPH1, Theodore Courtney, MS, CSP2, Wen R. Chang, PhD2, David A. Lombardi, PhD2, Yueng-hsiang (Emily) Huang, PhD2, Melanye J. Brennan, MS2, Melissa J. Perry, ScD MHS3, Jeffrey N. Katz, MD, MSc4, David Christiani, MD, MPH, MS5 and Santosh Verma, ScD, MD, MPH2
(1)Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, (2)Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, Hopkinton, MA, (3)The George Washington University, Washington DC, DC, (4)Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (5)Harvard University, Boston, MA