African-American Community Member Perspectives towards Suicide and Stigma of Suicide
Wyatt Demilia, B.S.1, Xinlin Chen, B.S.2, Rong Rong (Ruby) Han, B.A.1, Tatiana Philippova, B.S.3, Kavitha Rao, B.S.1, Sarah Reitz, B.A.1, Monica Martinez, B.A.4, Daniel Esparza, B.A.4, Luba Botcheva, Ph.D.4 and Eduardo Vega, MA5
(1)Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY, (2)NYU School of Medicine, New York City, NY, (3)Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4)Mental Health Association of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, (5)Center for Dignity, Recovery and Empowerment, San Francisco, CA